Security for yourFutureand the Kingdom

The United Pentecostal Church Loan Fund (UPCLF) offers IRA investments, both Traditional and Roth. There are three ways to invest in an IRA: opening a new IRA, Rollover or transferring an IRA you already have with another investment firm, and making additional contributions.
*All UPCLF IRAs are held by Assemblies of God Credit Union and the investor “self-directs” the investment in the United Pentecostal Church Loan Fund.
IRA Enrollment
Traditional IRA
1. Complete the online application or printable application.
2. Mail the completed forms with a check payable to UPCLF:
36 Research Park Ct.
Weldon Spring, MO 63304
Roth IRA
1. Complete the online application or printable application.
2. Mail the completed forms with a check payable to UPCLF:
36 Research Park Ct.
Weldon Spring, MO 63304
See returns in the Kingdom and your finances.